Road Rage.....
So, I had to privilege of spending 12 hours driving within a 24 hour period. I must say that by the time I got home I was NOT a happy camper.Assuming the speed limit is 65 mph on a 3 lane highway......If you are the guy that insists on going 65 (ON THE NOSE) in the far left lane, and WILL NOT MOVE OVER when cars are lined up behind you, please pay attention!
Here are some simple rules to drive by that will potentially save yourself from an incident, if you are ever driving in front of someone that is a little more off the deep end than myself.
- Despite the fact that you may feel you are going fast enough for the big boy lane, YOU ARE NOT!!! The far left lane is for those drivers going 70 - 90. Anything over 90, and you are just going too fast.
- The middle lane is for driving 60 - 70. Those driving between 60 - 65 should seriously consider the far right lane. Admission to the left lane should only be sought in an effort to pass someone that should be in the right lane. In this instance, however, passing on the right should be the first option.
- The far right lane is for driving 50 - 60. Honestly though, if you are driving in this lane and going under 55, you should consider an alternate scenic route (one of the 2 lane variety) or immediately get you car looked at because YOUR SHIT IS BROKE!!!
- When all else fails, and you can only remember 1 thing, please make it rule #4!!! If driving in the left lane, and someone approaches you from behind, who is driving faster than yourself, PLEASE MOVE TO THE RIGHT!!! This is no reflection on your manhood and your cruise control WILL work again.
Alright, I think that's all I have to say about that!
Baba Ganoush, OUT!!!
Oh my god, do I EVER know what you are talking about!
I would never do it, but I can see why some people freak out and drag people out of their cars.
OOkaaaaaaaaay. Nooo, never wanted to do anything of that sort...Never even crossed my mind. I had a roomate who use to keep a bat in the back seat just bc of loonies like that...I guess he had a bad expirence on the 405 one day...
hahaha...I agree with these rules! "the big boy lane" lol
you're lucky, my car has a big fat target on it for police and I have gotten SEVERAL in my life. The last one I was going 42 in a 30. I'm such a speed demon. Who the hell has a 30mph speed limit on a major road anyway?? sorry, I got off track...
that was me...wasn't logged on...doh!
Angry B - Was your friend going 35 in the Big Boy Lane? The bat is probably a good idea.
jlee - sounds like you need to slow down. That's part of my system. I rarely speed when the speed limit is below 55. Even though there are a lot of times when you wonder what they were thinking when they set the limits for some roads.
You deserve a medal. I can barely take more than two hours in a car.
You deserve the medal. While my 12 hours in 24 took a lot out of me, you have to deal with Windy City traffic daily.
I once drove 4 hours out of my way to go completey west of Chicago so I would miss Friday rush hour.
I appreciate them working on every single road in the city for my marathon trip.
Heh, noooo. He and I once took a road trip to FL from the Cape. Make it to JacksonHELL in just a little over 19 hrs. He drove about 90 the whole way there. And I stayed drunk the entire time so I didn't get to see my life flash before my eyes.
How about driving from Phoenix to Boston in two days... only "resting" to fill up the gas tank and going pee...
I've made that trip many times with husband and I tell you- I feel your pain.
Omg, TWO days???
Yeah Madison, that's a little too hardcore for me, especially since I refuse to let my wife drive.
hubby wouldn't let me drive more than a grand whopping total of 17 minutes. that was how long it took for him to get really snarky about me having a bladder the size of a nickle (i think that's what he said anyways) and declare a male only driving rule.
he was a machine- pumped up on energy drinks. not that fun i tell you.
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