Juliet is listening to the song "Downtown," which I hear is a classic break-up song, while she is preparing to have guests over for a book club.
During the book club, we find out from one of the guests, that a man named Ben would never have selected Stephen King's Carrie.
We later find out that Ben is actually Henry Gale.
I believe that he was either married to or involved with Juliet. However, they are obviously on the outs, as indicated by his comments of - "I guess this means I'm not in the book club anymore," when he sees her after the plane crash. His cause was not helped much when he told Jack to go ahead and kill her and then locked her in the hatched with Jack to die.
We learned last season that The Dharma Initiative is a group of scientists and free thinkers in a communal compound who study meteorology, psychology, parapsychology, zoology, electromagnetism, and utopian social something.
I think that Juliet is a Psychologist, who is being charged with breaking Jack down and gaining his trust. Most of the time she is talking to him she has her head tilted to the side and is talking in a soothing tone - classic Psch 101 tricks to gain trust and seem non-threatening. I don't think she likes doing this, and may eventually be someone who helps Jack escape. Right before the noise that drives them all outside, she sarcastically tells the book club, that it was "silly of her to think that free-will still existed on this" island.
We also see a little bit of Kate. Ben tells her that the next few weeks will be unpleasant. And when she is taken to the cage, her wrists are pretty raw from the cuffs, and Zeke makes the comment - "they roughed you up pretty good." Who are they? And what did they do to Kate?
Not much with Sawyer in this episode. He is in a cage, which were learn was used in the past for the polar bears. The cage he is in tests your ability to solve a puzzle to get food - more experiments.
We also learn that it was Jack who sent his father on his deadly Australian binge.
Where are all the children that were taken? I think they are at a different bunker undergoing different tests.
In the past many people have talked about The Sickness (see the note to the CDC). I think this sickness is real and this has something to do with why Jack, Sawyer, and Kate were taken. This is supported by Jack and Kate having their blood taken. We were not made aware of them taking Sawyer's blood, but this may be nothing other than he had a long sleeve shirt on, or it could explain why he was initially in a very different environment than the other two.
Finally, there is the evidence that The Others have communication with the outside world - they had a file on Jack. They may have access to the outside world, or this could again be a trick. When Juliet is first questioning Jack, she knows the answer to every question she asks him. Also, at the end of the episode when she reveals her "Jack File," she could have known all of that info as well. Keep in mind The Others had Ethan and Goodwin spying when the plane first went down. This info could have been gotten directly or through documents found in the wreckage. This is probably not the case, but let's keep this in mind when assuming The Others have an outside contact(s).
That's it for now. I will watch the episode again, and maybe update this. Let me know if you have any theories or comments. Please also keep in mind that I am often wrong and these are just my opinions :)
Baba Ganoush - OUT!
You forgot to mention the supernatural aspect of the ep.: Jack's dad coming over the intercom.
Sawyer could also be the "control" subject in their experiment.
Good ep, and good review.
Yeah. I bought Juliet's bit about the drugs they gave them when captured having that side effect.
Is it weird that we communicate over comments when we can just as easily call each other?
Aw crap, I knew I should have kept watching...Now I have to watch all of last season and download what I've missed.....Jeez....
Sounds like you're in need of a lazy Saturday on the couch. There are worse things - like scary clowns taking over the governement.
What?! I thought that they were already in the government.....
Yeah, Baba put some of them there.
I loved this episode. Remeber though, that last season, Juliet was the one who received the phone call about the Scottish guy (I don't remember his name..the guy that Jack knew that called everyone "brother") from some men who looked like they were part of the initiative in what seemed like the North Pole, after he supposedly died. She had a picture of the two of them. I think she is despondent over his death and blames Ben maybe? Just my take... :)
Well, if he put em there, he can get em OUT!
His name was Desmond. At first I thought Juliet was the same girl from last season's finale too? I almost went out and bought season 2 to find out. I looked online and a few sites I saw said this was Juliet's debut on Lost.
I'll go and get Season 2 tomorrow and get to the bottom of this.
Angry B - Do not make the clowns angry, you wouldn't like them when there're angry.
jlee - The lady that received the call in the season 2 finale was named Penelope Widmore. She had the father that forbid her from seeing Desmond.
There is a scene where she is listening to a song, and I think it is the same song Juliet was listening to (Downtown), which would indicate a connection between Juliet and Penny.
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